******************************************************************************** Data transfered to the GSFC DAAC prior to 18 April 1994 contain the ORBIT_NUMBER attribute instead of the CREATE_JOB attribute in the UARS granule meta-files (*META extension). This affects the following files: Year 1 CLAES version 6 Year 1 HRDI version 7 Year 1 ISAMS version 8 Year 1 & 2 MLS version 3 Year 1 SOLSTICE version 6 Year 1 & 2 NMC correlative Year 1 & 2 UKMO correlative The ORBIT_NUMBER attribute will be zero for all UARS files at the GSFC DAAC. ******************************************************************************** The UARS granule meta-files are ASCII files. Each line contains the value for one data attribute. The format for each line is the name of the attribute followed by the three characters space colon space (' : '), followed by the value of the attribute. Except for the attributes noted below all attributes appear in each meta file whether or not they have a value. Attributes that have not been assigned a value have either a blank value or a zero value depending on the attribute. The following is a list of the attributes contained in the UARS granule meta file and a short description of each attribute. TYPE : The TYPE attribute specifies the UARS instrument or class of data. The UARS instruments are CLAES, HALOE, HRDI, ISAMS, MLS, PEM, SOLSTICE, SUSIM and WINDII. Examples of class are CALIBRATION and CORRELATIVE. The TYPE attribute will always have a value. SUBTYPE : Possible values depend on attributes TYPE and LEVEL. The SUBTYPE attribute indicates what measured parameter(s) or other type of information are contained in the data set. A blank value indicates that the subtype attribute does not pertain to the data set. LEVEL : Possible values depend on attribute TYPE. The LEVEL attribute indicates the data level of the data set. The defined values are 0, 1, 2, 3AT, 3AL, 3TP, 3LP, 3B, 3AS, and 3BS. A blank value indicates that the level attribute does not pertain to the data set. Levels 3AL and 3LP are linked. Level 3LP data set contains additional information about the associated 3AL data set. Levels 3AT and 3TP are likewise linked. For specific information about these associations see the SFDU meta data files for the type and level of data you are concerned with. DAY : The UARS day number of the data. September 12, 1991, the day the UARS was launched, is UARS day one (1). September 13, 1991 is UARS day two (2) and so on. A value of zero (0) indicates that the DAY attribute does not pertain to the data set. START_TIME : The START_TIME attribute value is the date and time when the data set starts. The START_TIME attribute always has a value if the DAY attribute is non-zero. A blank indicates the START_TIME attribute does not pertain to this data set. STOP_TIME : The STOP_TIME attribute value is the date and time when the data set ends. The STOP_TIME attribute always has a value if the DAY attribute is non-zero. A blank indicates the STOP_TIME attribute does not pertain to this data set. CALIBRATION_ID : The CALIBRATION_ID attribute has a value if the value of the TYPE attribute is CALIBRATION. For files with the TYPE attribute value of CALIBRATION the SUBTYPE attribute specifies the instrument the calibration data refers to. The CALIBRATION_ID attribute defines what type of calibration data are contained in the file. A blank value for the CALIBRATION_ID indicates that the CALIBRATION_ID attribute does not pertain to this data set. VERSION : The VERSION attribute identifies the version of the data contained in the file. Version is an integer value between 1 and 9999. Version 1 is the earliest. The VERSION attribute is increased with each modification to the data product. The VERSION attribute always has a value. CYCLE : The CYCLE attribute is used to resolve uniqueness of the primary attributes. The first file created with a unique set of primary attribute values is cycle 1. The second file created with the same set of primary attribute values is cycle 2, and so on. The CYCLE attribute always has a value. FILE_NAME : The FILE_NAME attribute value is the VMS filename as it is stored on the UARS CDHF's online disks. A VMS file name does not contain the full path to the file's location as no disk or directory information is provided. The FILE_NAME attribute always has a value. CREATE_JOB: The CREATE_JOB attribute value for UARS data products is the job identifier of the production job which produced the file or the name of the remote analysis computer (RAC) which produced the file. The value for a file produced at a RAC will be the four (4) characters 'RAC_' followed by the instrument name. The value for ingested level 0 data is an eight digit hexadecimal ingest identifier padded with the character 'X' to 21 characters. The value for other cataloged files (not produced by production runs) is an unique eight digit hexadecimal number appended to the characters 'CAT_EXT_FIL'. The CREATE_JOB attribute always has a value. FILE_SIZE : The value of the FILE_SIZE attribute is the number of 512 byte blocks used to contain the file on the UARS CDHF's online disks. The FILE_SIZE attribute always has a value. RECORD_SIZE : The value of the RECORD_SIZE attribute is the number of bytes in the longest record in the file as stored on the UARS CDHF. The RECORD_SIZE attribute always has a value for levels 0, 3AT, 3AL, 3TP, 3LP, 3AS, and 3BS and is optional for other files. A zero (0) value indicates no record size value was given for the data file. UARS_PI : The UARS_PI attribute value is the name of the UARS PI who sponsored the data contained in the file. A value is required for correlative data and is optional for all other data. A blank value indicates the attribute does not pertain to the file. L3_BASE_INDEX : The L3_BASE_INDEX attribute value indicates the lowest UARS standard pressure level or the lowest UARS standard altitude level stored in each data record. The first data value in a level 3AT or 3AL file is the value of the parameter associated with the UARS profile level specified by L3_BASE_INDEX. The L3_BASE_INDEX has a value for levels 3AT AND 3AL. A zero (0) value indicates that the attribute does not pertain to the data set. Refer to the SFDU information for the data set to determine whether the pressure levels or altitude level is used for the data set. L3_NBR_POINTS : The L3_NBR_POINTS attribute value indicates the number of data points contained in each data record in the file. The L3_NBR_POINTS has a value for levels 3AT, 3AL, 3LP, 3TP, 3AS, and 3BS. A value of zero (0) indicates the L3_NBR_POINTS attribute does not pertain to the file. BASE_WAVELENGTH : The BASE_WAVELENGTH attribute value is the wavelength associated with the first data point in each data record. BASE_WAVELENGTH only has a value for levels 3AS and 3BS. MIN_ALTITUDE : The MIN_ALTITUDE attribute value gives the minimum altitude of data contained in the file. The altitude is given in terms of the UNITS_ALTITUDE attribute value. The MIN_ALTITUDE attribute is optional and pertains only to correlative data. A zero (0) value indicates the attribute does not pertain to the file. MAX_ALTITUDE : The MAX_ALTITUDE attribute value gives the maximum altitude of data contained in the file. The altitude is given in terms of the UNITS_ALTITUDE attribute value. The MAX_ALTITUDE attribute is optional and pertains only to correlative data. A zero (0) value indicates the attribute does not pertain to the file. UNITS_ALTITUDE : The UNITS_ALTITUDE attribute value indicates the units of the MIN_ALTITUDE and MAX_ALTITUDE attributes. A blank value indicates that the attributes does not pertain to the file. MIN_LATITUDE : The MIN_LATITUDE attribute value indicates the minimum latitude covered by the file. Northern latitude are positive and southern latitudes are negative. When both the MIN_LATITUDE and MAX_LATITUDE have a zero value the attribute does not pertain to the file. MAX_LATITUDE : The MAN_LATITUDE attribute value indicates the maximum latitude covered by the file. Northern latitudes are positive and southern latitudes are negative. The values range from -90 to + 90. When both the MIN_LATITUDE and MAX_LATITUDE have a zero (0) value the attribute does not pertain to the file. MIN_LONGITUDE : The MIN_LONGITUDE value indicates the minimum East longitude covered by the file. The values range from 0 to 360. The use of this attribute is optional and is only expected to be used by correlative data files. A zero (0) value indicates the attribute does not pertain to the data file. MAX_LONGITUDE : The MAX_LONGITUDE value indicates the maximum East longitude covered by the file. The use of this attribute is optional and is only expected to be used by correlative data files. A zero (0) value indicates the attribute does not pertain to the data file. * DATA_GAPS : The DATA_GAPS attribute is repeated once for each data gap in the file. The value of an occurrence of the DATA_GAP attribute is the start and stop time of the data gap. Level 0 data files will have data gaps indicated Use of the DATA_GAP attribute is optional for other files types. If the attribute is not used or there are no data gaps in the file the attribute is absent from the meta file. + SOURCE : The SOURCE attribute's value will be either NMC or UKMO. The SOURCE attribute is only present in the granule meta file for correlative data. + CORRELATIVE_PI : The CORRELATIVE_PI attribute value is the name of the Correlative Measurement Investigator who produced the data. The CORRELATIVE_PI is only present in the granule meta file for correlative data. + STATION_ID : The STATION_ID attribute value is the identifier of the ground station which collected the data. The STATION_ID attribute is only present in the granule meta file for correlative data. A blank value indicates that the attribute does not pertain to the data file. + INSTRUMENT_ID : The INSTRUMENT_ID attribute value is a code which identifies the type of instrument used to collect the data. The INSTRUMENT_ID attribute is only present in the granule meta file for correlative data. A blank value indicates that the attribute does not pertain to the data file. +* PARAMETERS : The PARAMETERS attribute is only present in the granule meta file for correlative data. The attribute is repeated once for each parameter measured. If present the attribute will have a value. COMMENTS : The COMMENTS attributes value is an eighty (80) character field containing free form comments about the data. A blank value indicates no comments have been entered for the file. DATA_QUALITY_UARS : The attribute indicates the UARS PI's assessment of the quality of the data contained in the file. The format is a 3 character field of the form p.q. The values are: VALUE MEANING for p 0 Machine inspected 1 Qualitative evaluation 2 Intensive analysis for q 1 less than 50% good data 2 50% - 75% good data 3 76% - 98% good data 4 better than 98% good data The DATA_QUALITY_UARS attribute value is only defined for UARS production data products. UARS production data products have a TYPE attribute with the value of a UARS instrument and LEVEL attribute which is not 0 or blank. Suppliers of other data sets such as correlative data sets may use this field for some or all of their data but are not required to. A blank value indicates that this field was not used with the data set. DATA_QUALITY_PI : The use of the DATA_QUALITY_PI attribute is defined by each PI group for the files they are responsible for. The MLS, PEM and SOLSTICE instruments have repeated the DATA_QUALITY_UARS attribute in the DATA_QUALITY_PI attribute. The ISAMS instrument has defined a three character field of the form abc for the DATA_QUALITY_PI attribute where the values are defined: VALUES MEANING for a N + Y side of UARS pointing North all day S + Y side of UARS pointing South all day Y Yaw-round day for b 0,1,..F number of + Y tangent-tracks for c 0,1,..F number of - y tangent-tracks X no -y views attempted The SUSIM instrument has defined the use of the DATA_QUALITY_PI field for data version 14 and higher for level 3AS and 3BS SUSIM data as: VALUES MEANING 0.0 no usable data in the file 2.0 given to Level 3AS data indicates that extrapolation from a reference calibration or monthly lamp was used to determine the optical calibration coefficients 4.0 given to Level 3BS data indicates that optical calibration for the data was determined using the interpolation between reference calibration days All other instruments are believed not to have used this attribute A blank value indicates the attribute has not been used for the file. * attributes can be repeated with different values in one meta file. the attribute is displayed in meta file only when it has a value. + attribute displayed in meta file only when TYPE attribute value is CORRELATIVE